Authority Brands is a growing family of fifteen industry-leading home service brands with both corporate and franchise owned locations throughout the United States. GDC Studios was tasked with producing fourteen TV commercials across seven markets within five months. Each market called for two personalized scripts and videos in three formats: 60, 30 and 15 second variations. The videos required two locations each, and capturing local Authority Brand staff members as the talent and voice overs to keep costs to a minimum.

Project Overview
Authority Brands is a growing family of fifteen industry-leading home service brands with both corporate and franchise owned locations throughout the United States. GDC Studios was tasked with producing fourteen TV commercials across seven markets within five months. Each market called for two personalized scripts and videos in three formats: 60, 30 and 15 second variations. The videos required two locations each, and capturing local Authority Brand staff members as the talent and voice overs to keep costs to a minimum.

Project Narrative
Budget and timeline were top of mind as the GDC team developed a project approach to deliver all assets by set deadline. A staggered schedule was developed in order to execute production planning, travel and post-production phases across the seven markets. This schedule allowed for final assets to be delivered in stages to accommodate the schedule and have the first markets use their new assets immediately while other markets were still in the planning or production phase.

Project Results
Within five months, GDC successfully developed, shot and delivered two customized spots, each in :60, :30 and :15 formats, to the seven markets. The videos included a personalized script and location that reflected the aesthetics of the market. Graphics were also customized and included a custom QR code.
Commercial topics included technician recruitment, general HVAC services and specialized electrician services. The fourteen spots are now being utilized in various media placements including broadcast, cable and streaming TV.